Welcome to Queer Hangout in Drammen!
About us
Queer Hangout is a meetingplace for gay, lesbian, trans, questioning/experimenting and other queer people in Drammen. We are a volunteer organization that meets once a month.
Queer Hangout is not only a friendgroup, but also a group of activists that work against loneliness in the queer community. Many feel they don't belong in the queer community, maybe because they're in a wheelchair and the venue has no ramps, or because you belong to a exposed minority like muslims or sex workers. We try to make everyone feel welcome, and work with every member and relevant organizations (Like Skeiv Verden) to achieve this.

If you have allergies, dietary restrictions or other accessibility needs, feel free to contact us at post@queerhangout.no and we will do our best to accomodate you!
Upcoming events
Kometen Pizza&Bar
Last Sunday of every month, 13:00-15:00.
Open for all queer and questioning people. Wheelchair accessible with HC-toilet. Even though it's a bar, it is not allowed to consume alcohol at Queer Hangout meetings.
This is a new location for us, so the day and time may vary. Please stay updated by checking the calendar or by going to facebook.com/queerhangout


- Be nice to people. Queer Hangout includes exposed minorities like muslims, sex workers, disabled people, trans people, etc. As long as you're willing to learn and be respectful, you will be fine. Bigotry will not be accepted.
- Only queer people can go to our events. This includes if you are unsure or exploring identities. It is 100% okay to bring an assistant or a non-queer friend for support.
- Ask before you contact someone outside of Queer Hangouts. Not everyone is out of the closet! Don't give out other peoples contact information without permission, even to someone else in the group.
Sending a warning
If you have experienced something uncomfortable at Queer Hangout, then you can mail us at varsel@queerhangout.no. This will only be seen by the leader of Queer Hangout, and they will handle the issue as discreetly as possible. If you have a problem with the leadership in Queer Hangout, you can contact our mother organization at foreningen FRI
Contact information
Queer Hangout can be contacted by e-mail: post@queerhangout.no
Facebook: facebook.com/queerhangout
If you wish to give us a donation, we would be extremly grateful!
Dontaions can be sent via Vipps: 818416
Or to our bankaccount: 1506.92.76013